UW Employment Program
Who We Serve
As a CARF accredited program, UW Employment Program is a certified service provider for the Washington State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the King County Developmental Disabilities Division. UW Employment Program provides a wide range of services to adults with disabilities in King County. To be eligible for services from UW Employment Program, you must:
- Be between the ages of 18 and 65
- Have a disability and want to work
- Have access to reliable transportation, such as Metro, Access, Sound Transit or able to drive your own personal car
- Be willing to actively participate in our program
UW Employment Program Wait List
At times, the demand for services from UWEP is quite high and we may not be able to work with you right away. If there is a waiting list for our services, we prioritize our services in the following manner:
- Individuals who are on a Medicaid waiver and receiving services from King County Developmental Disabilities Division (KCDD)
- Individuals who are not on a Medicaid waiver but receiving services from KCDD and have funding for long-term employment support.
- Individuals who are receiving services from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or the Department of Services for the Blind but are either not eligible for or not receiving services from KCDD.
- All other individuals who meet our eligibility criteria (above), in order of receipt of a completed application for our services